What this course will teach you

Master The Chords

Begin your journey by mastering the basics of commonly used chords in math rock and Midwest emo. I'll teach you the best fingering practices, and lead you though a guided strumming practice to get your fingers moving effortlessly between the shapes.

Spark Ideas

Next, put all the chords you learned into action by learning some common strumming patterns and functional chord progressions inspired by some of the best math rock & Midwest emo songs out there.

See Your Progress

Lastly, test your progress by attempting some common chord progressions across a range of math rock & Midwest emo songs that scale in difficulty. You can practice along with me at a slow and faster speeds.

Master the Fundamentals of Math Rock & Midwest Emo Today!

Bonus: FREE Fundamentals Guide

This guide conveniently compiles all the key information from the workshop, making it easy for you to reference whenever you need it.

What students are saying about the course:

Money Back Guarantee

Not what you expected? No problem. Ask for your money back in the first 30 days and we'll send it right back to you.

Everything You'll Receive

  • Lifetime access to the digital course
  • Bonus material: math rock & Midwest emo chord fundamentals guide
  • All the chords you need to know to get started playing math rock/Midwest emo
  • Commonly used strumming patterns in math rock & Midwest emo
  • Transcriptions and video playthroughs of popular math rock/Midwest emo songs

Who's This For?

Guitarists who want to master the basics of chords, chord progressions, and strumming patterns commonly used in math rock & Midwest emo.

Who's This Not For?

Brand new guitarists with no experience of playing the guitar at all.


How long is the course?

The course contains 90 minutes of material separated into 15 video lessons.

Can I access the course at anytime?

Yes! Once purchased, you'll have lifetime/unlimited access to the course and all materials.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Certainly, if you're not satisfied within 30 days, we offer a full refund.

What do I need?

All you need is a guitar.